e7 Engagement Process1This document describes the functions of VCAP (Virtual Community Action Planning) asa strategy developed by E7.Architecture Studio here forward e7. Through continuedcommunication between community members and government envoys,consistent servicesare being required across cities throughout the United States and the World Through digitalprocesses that will be expanded upon - the process of analyzing the city through data in aholistic, ecological, sociological and infrastructural way is streamlined into design initiatives thatare contextual with such analysis. Due to an array of tools as appropriate for various projectseach city exists in different stages in their digital transformation. As e7 seeks to be able toprovide and explain the digital process from beginning to end, each city will begin its initiative asrelevant to the entirety of the digital process as it seeks to include holistic variables of ecology,sociology and infrastructure.E7 in this document explains service processes that result in products. The servicesthen will be able to be monetarily measured as time required to complete tasks and the productsthemselves will be understood in market value. The multiple services and products that e7provides will add value to designs and developments that happen throughout the subject cities.E7 seeks to provide 7 types of Services and Products. Greater explanation of the valueof the services and products will be expanded in this document.Diagram 1
e7 Engagement Process21. GIS Data Composition and Organization(Analysis)2. 3Dimensional Contextual Model (Site Generation)(Analysis)3. 3D Model Zoning Scheme + Large Scale Schematic Design(Analysis - Design)4. 3D Model - Parametric Organizational Scheme(Design)5. Architectural Design Servicea. Concept Design - Schematic Design - Design Development - ConstructionDocuments(Design)6. Design Build Development(Product)7. Virtual Environment Simulation(Presentation)____________________________________________________________________________1. GIS Data Composition and OrganizationThe service provided during this phase will be an assembly and organization perhapseven creation of an information system that gives information of the built environment as aseries of infrastructural, social and ecological systems. These systems are measuredstatistically and spatially in their dimensionality. Information will exist as Cartographies,Symbologies, Topologies and Networks etc. Systems represented include Utility Systems - MainBuilding Facilities, Community Activities, Natural Systems etc, an example of a data modeltaxonomy may be:a. Hydrologyi. Plumbingii. runoff water pathsiii. Irrigationb. Location Mapping Systems (Examples:i. Internet Accessii. Post and Mailiii. Police Stationsiv. Museumsv. Metro Stationsvi. Librariesvii. Gas Stationsviii. Community Service Centersix. Schoolsx. Children and Family Servicesxi. Agriculture
e7 Engagement Process3c. Transportation Infrastructure (examples)i. Train Pathwaysii. Vehicle Pathwayiii. Side Walksiv. Walking Trailsv. Bike Waysd. Green or Park SpaceThe maps can be parsed into diagrams and layers for distinct narratives for particularsystems to be understood in isolation. Specific projects for any isolated system can beaddressed in context with the larger contextual whole of the map. In the data compositionprocess, context is generated and contextual relevance gives value to future design initiatives.Programmatic proposals can respond to data narratives and context that give relevance of useto the community. The fidelity of the contextual model gives multiple functions to designinitiatives as they seek to connect in multiple ways to a context model. The community thenfunctions as a more integrated whole.In the diagram below the process of constructing meaningful compositions of data isorganized from its origin to its assembled integrated state. As a Data Set - data is collected andexists as lists, as items are categorized and grouped they can become a database - thedatabases can then be understood as describing ecological, social or infrastructural systems.The cube represents an interdependence addressed in assembled data.Diagram 2The diagram below explains a multi-layered connection between built environment systems,components of ecology and means of representing such systems. The Cube ofInterdependence from the previous diagram is reconstructed as the innermost ring. Modes ofrepresentation surround the inner ring showing possible ways of representing the urbansystems, land systems, natural systems, etc, either through illustration, modeling. cartography,or analytical drawing, etc. All representations can be generated from a shared data model. The
e7 Engagement Process4outer rings explain that variables of ecology can be embedded in the representations andrelevant to the built environment systems. Aligning with student curriculums, different studentsmay be involved with projects associated with specific ecological or built-environment systems,working with specific data sets.Diagram 3The data composition seeks to articulate through data aggregation an existing systemdynamics of the built environment. The data may define problems dynamically in terms ofgraphs over time. System dynamics describes continuous quantities interconnected in loops ofinformation feedback and circular causality. Causation models determine balances insidecomplex structures.Service:- Constructing Map from Database- Parsing Diagrams from Map- Constructing Environmental Narrative (Identifying System Dynamics)Products:- Organized Database- Contextual Map of Given area- Diagrammatic Analysis
e7 Engagement Process5- Communal Narrative (Identifying System Dynamics)Diagram 42. GIS 3Dimensional Contextual Model (Site Generation)3D context models contain imported data from the 2D GIS data composition. Generatingthe 3D model creates a model space that is more engaging for future design initiatives as BIM(Building Information Modeling) becomes a preferred method of designing sophisticated urbansolutions. Urban Models can have degrees of detail that reveal different functions insociological, ecological and infrastructural systems as system dynamics with variant levels ofarticulation. As models become more detailed and robust in their description and articulation ofthe totality of the environment their value also increases. Functionally a BIM 3D model can beused for construction reference. A contextual 3D model reference existing conditions in the city
e7 Engagement Process6creates a conversational point of departure for the multiple parties and agents involved incarrying out projects within a given area. If the same detailed model is referenced for multipleurban solutions then a more integrated and holistic perspective will develop on the ways that themultiple built environment systems (social, ecological, infrastructural) are intersecting andinteracting with each other. This is titled ACTION PLANNINGExample: Infrastructure systems may be managed and designed in a real time modeldescribing existing movements of energy throughout the built environment.Numerous natural systems that extend across neighborhoods can be digitallydocumented. (Lighting)(Acoustics)(Solar Exposure)Services:- Algorithmically Generating Massing of the City- Embedding Data Translations into 3D space- Additional Contextual Detail to 3D model beyond simple MassingProduct:- Virtual 3D Model of the Community / CityDiagram 53. 3D Model Zoning + Large Scale Schematic Design (Analysis - Design)The first two steps of services and products mentioned were: 1. GIS Data Composition andOrganization 2.GIS 3Dimensional Contextual Model - these steps may be regarded as aprocess ofanalysiswhile the following 4 steps perform asdesigninitiatives. Responding to acontext of data analysis that describes system dynamics as existing social, ecological andinfrastructural systems, a zoning strategy as a large-scale schematic design begins to articulatenew impositions and augmentations to the built environment that intersect, interact, and relate toexisting dynamic movements of energetic systems. Cultural institutions and green spaces canbe linked through schematic transportation connections. Methods of urban agriculture and food
e7 Engagement Process7distribution may be rethought. The 3D model from step 2 is available to manipulation andcommunity members may discuss radical transformations with agencies capable of carrying outsuch changes.Services:- Large Scale schematic ConceptualizationProduct:- Conceptual outline (Giving context and contingency to projects that are within the area.)
e7 Engagement Process8Diagram 64. 3D Model - Parametric Organizational Scheme (Preliminary Design Process)Parametric Organizational Schematics add an additional layer of organizational matrices asgrids and geometric striations that give holistic compositional reference. Geometric armatures oroutlines provide context for infrastructures and architectural projects to follow as they areintegrated into a contextual system - unifying and creating harmony amongst multiple projectsand systems.Service:- Parametric Grid Imposition and OrganizationProduct:- Algorithmically Structured ContextDiagram 75.Architectural Design Servicea. - Schematic Design - Design Development - Construction Documents
e7 Engagement Process9