What is HonuaTreEAI

The Definition of "Honua" is the Very Foundation of Growth ...

In the Hawaiian language, "Honua" means caring for and protecting everything that makes up our world: land, oceans, living beings, cultures, and communities.  In each of these cases, growth is at the foundation of productivity and success.

HonuaTreEAI™ is Resource-Central - the Root of the Tree for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship often involves taking on various forms of risk, whether it's financial, personal, or even reputational. Entrepreneurs are individuals who identify opportunities and take action to bring new ideas, products, or services to the market. This process requires determination, creativity, resilience, and the ability to leverage resources effectively.  The access to these resources plays a crucial role in an entrepreneur's journey.  HonuaTreEAI is here to provide such access.

Like rainwater nourishes a tree, the HonuaTree Entrepreneurs Affiliate Initiative (HTEAI) delivers knowledge and experience to persons seeking independence as a successful entrepreneur, one persons or (Leaf) at a time.


Education Services


Social Services


Government Services

HonuaTreEAI Support

Academic Support


Family Support




Business Support


Become a HonuaTreEAI Affiliate and Help Yourself and Others Grow

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