Entrepreneurship Facts

Entrepreneurship Stats

There are over 582 million entrepreneurs in the world. (GEM) ...
▶︎  82% of business failures are due to poor cash management. ...
▶︎  50% of entrepreneurships are home-based. ...
▶︎  77.47% of small startup owners are men. ...
▶︎. Less than 1% of entrepreneurs came from extremely rich or poor backgrounds.

Each year, thousands of ambitious entrepreneurs start new businesses in the United States. Over 627,000, according to SBA estimates. Failure rate aside, many small businesses make it and thrive. How many make it and what industries fare best? We’ve collected these startup statistics for small businesses from a variety of sources to answer those questions.


Specific Details

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. There are probably not many people that have not been touched by one of his products, such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple computers, which produces Macs, iPods and iPhones, as well as Apple TV.

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