Section III: RELATIONSHIP TO COLLEGE PROGRAMSARC 341 - Campus: TRADE TECH1.THIS COURSE WILL BE AN APPROVED REQUIREMENTFORAN APPROVED ASSOCIATE DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE PROGRAM:Yesa. If yes, the course will be arequirementportion of the “approved program” listed on the State Chancellor’s Inventory of ApprovedPrograms (approved programs can be found on the State Chancellor’s Office website athttps://misweb.cccco.edu/webproginv/prod/invmenu.htm..Architectural Technology AA - Program: 020100 State ID: 08467Architectural Technology Certificate - Program: 020100 State ID: 21825NOTE: In order for a course to be approved as a requirementfor an associate degree or certificate program, the program must be listed on the State Chancellor’s OfficeInventory ofApproved ProgramsAND the course must be listed in the college catalog as either a requirement or an elective for the program. If course is not part of an approved program at thecollege adopting the course, it will be considered to be a “stand-alone” course, and is subject to the State Chancellor’s approval criteria. The college must complete and submittheChancellor’s Office “APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF CREDIT” form. Certain courses are granted “blanket approval"by the State Chancellor’s Office and do not requireseparate approval. See the Chancellor’s OfficeProgram and Course Approval Handbookfor details. LACCD SkillsCertificates are not State approved programsand are not listedon the Chancellor’s OfficeInventory of Approved Programs.2.GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ASSOCIATE DEGREE STATUS:a. Area requested:Noneb. Area requested:None
Section IV: ARTICULATION INFORMATIONARC 341 - Campus: TRADE TECH(Complete in consultation with College Articulation Officer)1. TRANSFER STATUS:a. Transferable to the University of California:Noc. Transferable to the California State University:Yesb. UC Approval Date:d. College Approval Date:2. GENERAL EDUCATION FOR TRANSFER:IGETC Certification:CSU Certification:a. Area requested:b. Date requested:c. IGETC Approval Date:a. Area requested:b. Date requested:c. CSU Approval Date:If applicable, provide an explanation of how the course meets theappropriate General Education parameters, as defined in IGETCCertification Guidelines.If applicable, provide an explanation of how the course meets theappropriate General Education parameters, as defined in CSUCertification Guidelines.IGETC Certification:CSU Certification:a. Area requested:b. Date requested:c. IGETC Approval Date:a. Area requested:b. Date requested:c. CSU Approval Date:If applicable, provide an explanation of how the course meets theappropriate General Education parameters, as defined in IGETCCertification Guidelines.If applicable, provide an explanation of how the course meets theappropriate General Education parameters, as defined in CSUCertification Guidelines.3.MAJOR REQUIREMENT FOR TRANSFER:Will this course be articulated to meet lower division major requirements?YesList college/university and the majors:CS System UC System SCIARC USC WOODBURY
Section V: SUPPLEMENTAL COURSE INFORMATIONARC 341 - Campus: TRADE TECH1.DEPT/DIVISION NAME:Construction, Maint. & Utilities Pathway2.DEPT/DIVISION CODE:413.SUBJECT CODE:0744.SUBJECT ABBREVIATION:ARC5. RECOMMENDED MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONAREA:6.ABBREVIATION FOR TRANSCRIPTS:GIS METRO ACCESS PLN7. DEGREE CREDIT:Indicate whether the course meet the “standards forapproval” for degree credit course set forth in Title 5, section 55002(a)(2), whichrequires the course to have a degree of intensity,difficulty, and vocabulary that the curriculum committee has determined to be at thecollege level:Degree Applicable8.GRADING METHOD:LETTER GRADE9.REPETITIONS:# of times repeated for credit :0GIS is constantly changing and new relationships and understanding are discover every day.10. PRIOR TO TRANSFERABLE LEVELThis course attribute applies toEnglish, Writing, ESL, reading and mathematicscourses ONLY. If applicable, indicate how manylevels below the transferable level this course should be placed:Not applicable11. CREDIT BASIC SKILLSTitle 5, section 55000(j) defines basic skills as “courses in reading, writing, computation, and English as a Second Language, which aredesignated as non-degree credit courses pursuant toTitle 5, section 55002(b)."No12. CROSS REFERENCEIs this course listed as equivalent in content to existing College/District courses in another discipline?No
If Yes, list courses (documentation of cross-discipline agreement must be provided):13. COURSE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR STUDENTS W/ DISABILITIESTitle 5, section 56029 allows a course to be repeatable when continuing success of the students with disabilities is dependent onadditional repetitions of a specific class. Is thiscourse designated as an “approved special class” for students with disabilities?NoIf yes, provide an explanation of how this course meets the requirements of Title 5, section 56029.14. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION STATUS-Title 5, section 55252 allows for two types of Cooperative Education: 1) General Work Experience Education -- i.e., supervisedemployment, which is intended to assist students inacquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness, which need not berelated to the students' educational goals; or 2) Occupational Work Experience Education -- i.e., supervised employment, extendingclassroom based occupational learning at an on-the-job learning station, which is related to the students' educational or occupationalgoal. Is this course part of the college’s approvedcooperative work experience education program?No15.COURSE CLASSIFICATION:Credit CourseNote: A course’s Classification, TOP Code and SAM code must be aligned – e.g., Courses with an “Occupational”Course Classificationmust have an “Occupational” TOP Code and a SAM Codeof A, B, C, or D; courses that do not have an “Occupational” CourseClassification cannot have an Occupational TOP Codeand must have an “E” SAM Code. Courses coded as “basic skills” in #11 shouldbe coded “Adult and Secondary Basic Skills.”16.TOP CODE- (6 digits XXXX.XX)0201.00Course content should match discipline descriptionin Taxonomy of Programs found here:Taxonomy Of Programs website17.SAM CODE(StudentAccountabilityModel):C18. FUNDING AGENCY CODE:19. STATE COURSE ID:
Section VI: APPROVAL STATUSARC 341 - Campus: TRADE TECH1. APPROVAL STATUS:Approval Date OfBoard Date Approved Effective Semestera.New Course College:Board:5/11/04Effective Semester:b.Addition of ExistingDistrict CourseCollege:Board:Effective Semester:c.XCourse Change*College:10/19/18Effective Semester:d.XOutline UpdateCollege:10/19/18Effective Semester:e.Archive Course College:Effective Semester:f.Reinstate Course College:Board:Effective Semester:
Section VII: APPROVAL INFORMATION FOR NEW OR ADDED COURSESARC 341 - Campus: TRADE TECH(complete in consultation with Department Chair and the appropriate Academic Administrator)1.ORIGINATOR:Elarton, WIlliam D.2.DEPARTMENT:Construction, Maint. & Utilities Pathway3. IF THIS IS A NEW COURSE, INDICATE HOW THECOLLEGE PLANS TO MEET THE EXPENSE OFTHIS COURSE:By additional funds. Describe:By deleting courses from the college catalog and course database. List specific courses to be deleted:By deleting sections of existing course. List courses and number of sections to be deleted:First Year:Second Year:Third Year:By rotating sections of existing courses. List courses and number of sections to be rotated, as well as the semesters inwhich they will be offered:4. IMPACTIMPACT -- Will this course directly impact other course offerings and/or associate degree or certificate programs on campus?(If yes, briefly explain how)5. METHOD OF SUPPORT-- Indicate how the college plans to support the proposed course:A. Additional staff -- List additional staff needed:B. Classroom -- List classroom type needed:C. Equipment -- List new equipment needed and indicate funding source for any new equipment:
D. Supplies- List supplies and indicate dollar value:E. Library/Learning Resources- The course initiator shall consult with the College Librarian and review the college library, book,periodical, and electronic resource collections relevant to this course. List additional titles and resources to be considered for purchase asfunding permits:
CERTIFICATION AND RECOMMENDATIONXThis course meets Title 5 requirements for Associate Degree applicable college credit towards an Associate Degree.This course meets Title 5 requirements but does notsatisfy the requirements for an Associate Degree applicable course.We certify that the information and answers above properly represent this course.OriginatorDateDepartment/Cluster ChairpersonDateArticulation OfficerDateLibrarianDateDean (If applicable)DateCurriculum Committee ChairpersonDateAcademic Senate PresidentDateVice President, Academic AffairsDateCollege PresidentDate
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