What Goes Up, Days 1–3

Grades High School

Author: Jacob Nazeck, master teacher at BetterLesson

What we like about this  lesson


  • Addresses standards F-IF.B.4F-IF.B.6F-BF.B.3A-CED.A.2MP.4
  • Connects a quadratic function with its graph, table, and matching the verbal description
  • Develops students' understanding of key features of a quadratic function in a real-world context (F-IF.B.4)
  • Includes several stages of the basic modeling cycle (computing, interpreting, and validating) (MP.4)
  • Provides opportunities for students to make use of the structure of a quadratic function (MP.7)
  • Requires students to use precision in describing the path of an object, both qualitatively and quantitatively (MP.6)

In the classroom:

  • Allows for student collaboration and discussion
  • Uses technology to help make the mathematics explicit
  • Gives formal and informal opportunities for teachers to check for understanding
  • Provides extensive time for students to engage deeply with the mathematics


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